These need to be downloaded once the SDK is installed, but they are the most important in the process. Here you can see what platform you need to develop an app and download it. Also, within SDK, there is a manager under Tools. To work with the program, you need JDK (Java Development Kit) and the Studio comes with that as well. Google recommends this process as it comes loaded and integrated into the Studio. Another way of getting the software development kit is by downloading Android Studio. Once SDK downloads and is unzipped, proceed to open the EXE and follow the instructions. Also don’t worry about the version, as it is constantly renewed. When downloading the program, it is necessary to unzip all the files into a separate folder. How do I use SDK tools?Īndroid SDK can be installed alongside Android Studio, but it can also be used separately. However, any dedicated Android developer should learn how to use it. The system is complex, and the interface is complex. Also, it does come at a steep learning curve. It is a heavy load on normal computers not making it a light development program but pretty powerful.